Network Analysis Training in Marathahalli
For Electronics students, Network Analysis is an Engineering subject. It is a tough subject, dry subject and a lot to memorize. Most of the ECE students flunk in this subject and the backlog may remain for at least 2 or 3 semesters. TIB Academy is the only institute providing the best Network Analysis course in Marathahalli, Bangalore. Here, the student can obtain the complete support to clear the backlog in Network Analysis. Our trainer is an Electronics Engineer in an Instrumentation industry and he was very conversant in the subject. So he will provide excellent coaching in Network Theorems, Resonant circuits and Laplace transformation and all other topics from the subject syllabus. Please refer below for the detailed syllabus. They will help you with assignments, lecture notes, question papers and previous year question papers.
This is Pargavi. I joined in TIB Academy for learning Hibernate after my completion of B.E. I personally thank TIB Academy for their good guidance and classes. My trainer is a working professional and he gave me advice about how to learn Network Analytics Tuition, how to prepare resume for getting placed in a good company. That was very much useful for me and now I’m working in a MNC. Thank you TIB Academy.

Special about the Network Analysis tuition in TIB Academy!
- TIB Academy is one of the best training institute providing the best Network Analysis course in Marathahalli, Bangalore. We are nearest to many Colleges / Universities. Some of the colleges are CMR Institute of Technology – CMRIT, Gopalan College of Engineering, New Horizon Engineering College, MVJ College of Engineering, SCT Institute of Technology, The Oxford Engineering College, Amrita School of Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology and Cambridge Institute of Technology.
- Make yourself enrolled in TIB Academy to attain the best Network Analysis lessons at affordable tuition fees. Our trainers are all experienced ECE professional who work with robotics and electronic instruments. The Network Analysis tuition program will be scheduled during weekdays early mornings 7AM to 10AM, weekdays late evenings 7PM to 9:30PM and flexible timings in weekends. They provide Network Analysis classroom coaching and Network Analysis Skype coaching based upon the student’s time and affordable cost.
Network Analysis Training in Marathahalli Syllabus
Unit – 1
- Basic Concepts – 7 hours
- Practical sources, Source transformations, Network reduction using Star – Delta transformation, Loop and node analysis With linearly dependent and independent sources for DC and AC networks, Concepts of super node and super mesh.
Unit – 2
- Network Topology – 7 hours
- Graph of a network, Concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix, tie-set, tie-set and cut-set schedules, Formulation of equilibrium equations in matrix form, Solution of resistive networks, Principle of duality.
Unit – 3
- Network Theorems I – 6 hours
- Superposition, Reciprocity and Millman’s theorems.
Unit – 4
- Network Theorems II – 6 hours
- Thevinin’s and Norton’s theorems; Maximum Power transfer theorem
Unit – 5
- Resonant Circuits – 7 hours
- Series and parallel resonance, frequency-response of series and Parallel circuits, Q –factor, Bandwidth.
Unit – 6
- Transient behavior and initial conditions – 7 hours
- Behavior of circuit elements under switching condition and their Representation, evaluation of initial and final conditions in RL, RC and RLC circuits for AC and DC excitations.
Unit – 7
- Laplace Transformation & Applications – 6 hours
- Solution of networks, step,ramp and impulse responses, waveform Synthesis.
Unit – 8
- Two port network parameters – 6 hours
- Definition of z, y, h and transmission parameters, modeling with these parameters, relationship between parameters sets.